Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Developed in XNA for College assignment!

So, one of us had this subject in school that was about making video games. The framework we used was XNA, and though the games I did were not something to brag about, for starters, I guess they were not bad at all. I used sprites from many sources except in the last one where I drew most of what I used including characters, backgrounds and animation as a whole using spine. Here are the 3 video games we developed. I really hope you enjoy watching them!

Dragon Ball Runner:

Platformer (Never picked a name for it XD)

Tower Defense:
Here is where draws are mine (Simple yet mine), and animations are also ours. Animations were made with SPINE which is an awesome software developed by: http://esotericsoftware.com/. If you're working on games, please consider them to create your animations as their software is easy to use and simply Awesome!

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